

The list below is a running archive of previously issued SJW drought-related announcements. 


SJW will soon take the first step to implement its M和atory Conservation Plan as a response to the 极端的 drought facing our community.

十月星期五. 15, 2021, SJW will file Advice Letter 569 requesting the CPUC’s authorization to activate 计划14.平台登录的缺水应变计划1.  平台登录的 request includes the activation of allocations 和 drought surcharges program effective 11月 15, 2021.

公开听证会将于2021年10月28日(周四)下午3点举行. 您可以注册参加网络研讨会以了解更多信息. 平台登录的公告在 英语西班牙语. 如未能上网,请致电US: +1 669 219 2599. 网络研讨会ID: 980 3990 0972. 

SJW’s M和atory Conservation Plan recognizes the efforts of customers who have 和 continue to conserve while encouraging others to do their part.  它设定了每月最低限额,其中干旱附加费不适用.  Customers whose usage is above this amount will need to reduce their usage by 15% based on what they used in 2019.  因为大部分的保护重点是户外浇水, our dedicated l和scape customers will also be required to reduce their usage by 15% to avoid drought surcharges.

The water supply challenges seem to be occurring with more frequency 和 severity over the last 20 years.  2017年结束的上一次干旱被形容为历史性的. 今天,这场干旱被形容为历史性的.  当同一个词被频繁使用时,它就不再具有同样的影响.  也许平台登录在展望未来时需要把这视为“新常态”.

供水前景有些严峻.  整个州的水库在一年中的这个时候都处于历史最低点.  拉尼娜现象, 哪些通常预示着低于平均降水量, 是在太平洋形成的吗.  根据美国地质调查局, California would need 140 percent of average precipitation this coming season just to receive the average runoff from the snow 和 rainfall.  不幸的是,没有多少年平台登录能得到这样的数量.  The reality is that additional 保护 will be required in 2022 if Mother Nature does not provide this coming fall 和 winter.



“超级节约者”指的是每月用水量少于5个单位的人. 这些人不需要减少15%的用水量. 平台登录感谢他们,并非常赞赏他们的努力.

San Jose Water’s updated Water Contingency Plan considers “超级 Savers” 和 has an allocation floor – the minimum amount of water (in CCF) that any customer will receive.

平台登录的目标不是惩罚超级储蓄者,而是支持他们. San Jose Water realizes that these customers can’t cut back 15% when they are using for example, 每月只有2立方英尺的水.




平台登录更新了 计划14.1 考虑到这一点. 平台登录的 提出了 该计划将由CPUC审核批准. 批准该计划并不意味着该计划生效. Before the plan is implemented, a public hearing will be held 和 the CPUC must approve of the plan.

This plan recognizes the efforts of those customers who have 和 continue to conserve while encouraging others to do the same. 拟议的更新设定了最低消耗数量,干旱附加费将在此范围内征收 不适用. Residential customers whose consumption falls below this monthly drought allocation will not be subject to drought surcharges.

平台登录的 提出了 plan also includes allocations that are based on a customer’s personal past usage in 2019. 河谷水 determined 2019 for comparison due to the fact that it was the last year with normal rainfall. Unlike our plan from a few years ago, there is no one allocation for all residential customers. Customers using above the minimum drought allocations will have an allocation based on 15% of their 2019 usage.


最低抗旱拨款* - 2019基准年







1月                     10                     9
2月                       7                     6
3月                      7                     6
4月                      7                     6
五月                      9                     8
6月                    10                     9
7月                    13                    11
8月                    13                    11
9月                    15                    13
10月                    13                    11
11月                    14                    12
12月                    11                      9

*请注意以上最低限额为每月计算, 然而, 住宅用户将按两个月分配.



圣克拉拉县正面临极端干旱的紧急情况. 如果或当需要制定水应急计划时,平台登录必须做好准备! It can be a long approval process 和 SJW has been preparing for all possible scenarios so we can meet the water needs of our community

The details of the plan have to be on file with the California Public Utilities Commission. 因此,这个过程有两个步骤:

  1. 提交更新后的附表14.1带CPUC.
  2. 实施更新后的附表14.当和如果它是适当的,并由CPUC批准.

平台登录正在提交附表14.8月5日更新CPUCth. This filing does not mean there have been any changes to the customers’ billing procedures. 用水限制已经到位. 然而,目前没有拨款或干旱附加费.

一份 水务应急计划常见问题 是否可供您审阅.


DG真人游戏务公司正在鼓励其230,000 customers to begin conserving water immediately in response to the 干旱进入紧急状态 declared by 河谷水, 它的水批发商, 为SJW用户提供约90%的供水. 所有的住宅, 企业和商业客户被要求在2019年的基础上减少15%的用水量.

此时此刻, 客户不会因过量用水而缴付旱灾附加费(罚款), 然而, 平台登录要求平台登录所有的客户都遵守. The Company is committed to helping customers with their 保护 efforts 和 providing every opportunity to achieve the targeted usage reduction.

水务署会继续监察用水量. 如果在8月31日之前没有达到预期的保护水平, 2021, 公司可能需要调整其应对措施. This could include the imposition of drought surcharges if required by the California Public Utilities Commission or other government agencies.

在其更新的 规则14.1缺水应急预案, SJW正在将这一计划与2020年城市水管理计划保持一致, 以及启动第三阶段缺水应变计划.  该计划中的强制性用水限制侧重于室外用水, 哪个占了平均家庭总使用量的一半. 完整的规则列表可在 hwhzfi.femdomcenter.com/water-use-restrictions.



在两年极度干旱之后, on 2021年6月9日, 河谷水, 该县的供水机构和批发商向SJW和其他水务公司, 宣布 紧急干旱并建立了15%的强制性保护区 基于2019年的使用量. 

SJW is following 河谷水’s recommendation 和 asking all customers to conserve 15% of 2019 usage.  We have filed Advice Letter 563 with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to activate Stage 3 of our Water Shortage Contingency Plan. 

目前,SJW没有将干旱附加费(罚款)作为应对措施的一部分. We are committed to helping customers with their 保护 efforts 和 want to give them every opportunity to be successful.

平台登录会继续留意顾客的反应. 然而, 如果在8月31日之前没有达到预期的保护水平, 2021, 平台登录将调整应对措施. 如果CPUC授权,这可能包括征收干旱附加费.



正如 河谷水 2021年6月9日,平台登录的社区正在经历一场 极端的 干旱进入紧急状态. We are asking all of our customers to do your best conserving water so we can meet the 15% reduction (from 2019 levels) goal. 因为户外浇水往往是最简单的减少和保护的方法, 平台登录整理了一些建议来帮助你减少水的使用.

  1. 浇水日的限制: 浇灌或灌溉草坪, 景观或其他植被区域应该每周只进行2-3天, 不是每天都这样. 把浇水时间安排在晚上或清晨(甚至半夜也可以)!).
  2. 填充装饰水景的限制: 用于装饰性喷泉和/或装饰性湖泊和池塘, 不要加满超过一英尺, 或者是维持水生生物所需要的.
  3. 清洗车辆的限制: 考虑不要在家里洗车, rather at a commercial car washing facility that utilizes recycled water or a re-circulating water system to capture or reuse water.
  4. 清洗人行道或建筑物的限制: 不要清洗房屋的侧面, 人行道上, 人行道, 车道, 天井和其他硬面, 无孔区域.
  5. 注意过量的径流: 确保你的洒水装置工作正常,而不是洒水到街道上. 你的草坪或绿色植物.
  6. 目视检查你的洒水装置: 每个月两次,寻找破碎的喷头和其他可能的水浪费来源.

自然保护是加州的生活方式. 平台登录可以共同应对环境影响. More information to come as we determine our drought plan 和 have it approved by the California Public Utilities Commission.



On 2021年6月9日, 河谷水 announced m和atory water restrictions affecting Santa Clara County.

河谷水要求在2019年的水平上减少15%. Santa Clara County will most likely declare a 干旱进入紧急状态 based on 河谷水’s announcement.


We are working on a plan to meet customers’ needs in terms of drought requirements 和 will share this information as soon as possible. Please note that the California Public Utilities Commission must approve any m和atory 保护 program before it goes into effect.


  • 高级泄漏检测 -使用声学传感器在泄漏变得灾难性之前发现泄漏
  • 冲洗车 -不要开消防栓浪费水,这样一次会浪费数千加仑的水, 采用闭环系统
  • 基础设施投资 - Spending $100M per year for main replacements 和 tank improvements minimizes water loss
  • 2020年城市水管理规划草案 -概述水务署现时及未来为有效管理水资源所作的努力

此外,SJW有几种方法可以提供帮助 保护, including complimentary water efficiency visits, water-wise gardening info 和 保护 tips.

安迪•基尔, SJW总裁兼首席运营官, says: “平台登录的 customers have always responded to calls for water 保护 with a sustained 和 concerted effort. 这是一个强有力的合作伙伴关系,SJW准备在平台登录面临另一场干旱时提供帮助.”